Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Here are some reflections from a brother contemplating his upcoming 30th birthday.

Since I am within a couple of years being twice that age, I'll have to admit that I can't remember what I thought or felt like getting ready to turn 30?

Thanks Kerry for putting your thoughts on paper.


30 years ago today I started a grand adventure. I didn't have much of a choice, but I decided to embrace it and so many years from then I'm still working on it. When I turned 21 I was very excited because I had finally hit a major milestone. But my dad had the wisdom to say, "You know, you're not a man until you're 30." Depressing, I know. I had so many years to go before the world viewed me as an equal. But my question was, "Why?"

Jesus Christ started his ministry at 30. It only took him 3 years to change the universe. I've got quite a bit of work to do. I feel so behind. In the middle ages, 30 years-old was considered an elder. Most people had a life expectancy of 32. So should I feel lucky I made it this far? Either way, I feel like I should jump-start my purpose in life. (Not a change in mission, just an invigoration) In a few weeks I'll be 30 years old with a wife and three kids. Not too shabby.

So will there be a mid-life crisis? I admit this birthday is hitting me harder than I thought it would. But by no means am I depressed. The other day I had someone ask me if I was in school for my videography... Really? I look 21? It was all I could do not to scoff. I wear a goatee to add 4 years to my appearance. I speak in large words to add another 2. I have more gray hair than I should (3 children). I drive a Lumina. And I still pass for 21. Now that's depressing. My only worry is that my parents exaggerated my age somewhere along the way and I haven't figured it out.

I know some of you are older than 30. (Some, way older) I just don't know how you get out of bed in the morning. I think I'll start hanging out with more of you, that way I still feel younger. My dad seems to be creeping into more of my words and actions. I see myself in my son, so I wonder if he sees my dad in me. Good? Bad? Hopefully the best parts.

Thank you for hanging in there with me. Both for my life and this note. Feel free to offer advice on coping with age and aching joints. Thank you to my parents for giving me a chance to be alive. Thank you to my wife for staying with an old man. Thank you God for not creating me in the middle ages.

Now, back to bed.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Blogger jhthompson said...

My only advice would be to stock up on Ben Gay and Tylenol, as the body doesn't bounce back as quickly when you turn the big 3-0.

All kidding aside, thanks for posting this! inspiring....

4:27 PM  

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