Tuesday, August 11, 2009

OK... we are being told that the conservatives are using "scare" tactics.

In actuality... scare tactics has been the constant garbage being shoved down America's throat about every initiative that has come out of this White House and Congress.

"Health Care is broke!"
"We are killing the planet, we have to pass 'Cap and Trade' now!"
"The Auto industry is broke!"
"The Mortgage industry is broke!"
"The Banking industry is broke and selfish!"

...for a few examples. And now they want to say that because there are millions of Americans who have enough sense to think and actually read about the ramifications of government controlled health care, and have strong feelings about it that we are all using "scare" tactics?

As our teenagers like to say... whatever.

yahoo news
Obama says health care critics use 'scare tactics'

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. – Braced for a fight he never got, President Barack Obama went on the offensive in support of his health care plan Tuesday, urging a town hall audience not to listen to those who seek to "scare and mislead the American people."

"For all the scare tactics out there, what is truly scary is if we do nothing," Obama told a friendly crowd of about 1,800 in a high school auditorium and a nationwide audience watching on cable television.....


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