Monday, August 10, 2009

I've had a lot of respect for J.C. Watts for years.

He came at his own expense to share his testimony back around 1980 during an area wide crusade I was preaching in Oklahoma. He was a wonderful communicator back then... and is just as effective a political communicator today.

I've just shared a brief portion of his insight here. Follow the link for the whole article... it explains a lot about what is going on today in congress... or perhaps I should say that he explains a lot about what is NOT going on in congress today.

review journal
Consider where we are today, approaching 200 days in the 109th Congress, with a Democratic president in the White House and strong Democratic majorities controlling both chambers of Congress.

We have a "cap and tax" energy policy that lies dormant; a health care bill in disarray; proposed tax increases all over the board; and a stimulus bill that is not stimulating -- we've lost at least 1.5 million jobs since the stimulus passed.

While we've seen some positive signs in the economy over the past couple of months, the stimulus bill has had nothing to do with creating that positive movement. In fact, of the $787 billion stimulus package, less than $70 billion has been spent. Most of the stimulus package won't be spent until after 2010. Therefore, it's had no impact on the economy. Unemployment is at a 27-year high of 9.5 percent. The bill was sold as a means of creating 3.5 million jobs. Now, it's being sold -- after the fact -- as having "created or saved" 150,000 jobs. I'd love to see that quantified.

Thanks J.C.

XtnYoda, shalomed


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