Saturday, July 04, 2009

Guest blogger, Pastor Bill, has sent a challenging message to Christian Believers around the world... I'd like to help get the word out.

God Bless America

This month, July 4, we will celebrate the “Birthday” of America. For 233 years, America has stood as a symbol of freedom. The freedoms we have enjoyed have been religious, as well as physical from other countries.

The Fourth of July has always been a time of pride to remember our country and our freedoms, and to remember the folks who gave of themselves to secure those freedoms and of others who insured we are still able to enjoy those rights.

Who would have thought our greatest threat was not to be from a foreign country or force, but from within by those whom we have trusted enough to elect to protect our interests?

The threat did not start this past November, but has evolved over the past four to six (maybe more) decades. During that time, we elected officials who not only made questionable decisions affecting our lives but also appointed Supreme Court Judges (for life), who, many times with the mere stroke of a pen, undermined and eroded the sanctity, dignity, and quality of life for our own citizens.

In light of what is happening within our own country, we are less than a generation away from being able to worship The One True God, The Creator of the universe and all that is in it. For the next battle for blessings on America will not be fought with guns, knives, and bombs, but must be fought on our knees in fervent prayer to Jehovah God the true Judge. All other weapons will not matter as an eternity hangs in the balance.

It would do us good to remember the Psalmist’s reminder (warning): “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance” (Psalm 33:12).

May we return to being a nation seeking and trusting Him.

May I now ask you friend to join me in solemn prayer for our nation? Would you?


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