Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday, July 10th. Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.” (Benjamin Franklin, 1706–1790)

We quickly become aware of the value of water, air, and food when none is available or the supply is limited. The same can be said of the energy we use, for instance gasoline, diesel, or electricity. This has been demonstrated many times over in the past few years during hurricanes, tornados, ice storms, and shortages on the electrical grid.

Thankfully, the love of God is without limit, but we often find ourselves out of His fellowship not by a shortage of His supply, but by our sin or by finding ourselves too busy to find time for Him. When we have had that close fellowship and it has grown cold, we feel the value of doing what is necessary to get back into the right relationship with God. It is interesting to note, if we make a step in His direction, we find He is already waiting for us to return to Him.

The Apostle James reminds us, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

"God, keep me in fellowship with You and continue to remind me of Your love when I roam.

Walk into the world with His glory displayed in your life.


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