Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Borg Conspiracy has a fascinating commentary on what is going on down in Honduras.

This report has been on the wires now for over 24 hours. America is backing and supporting the deposed socialist leader of Honduras. Anyone seen the national media picking up on this story? Any coverage on Good Morning America? What about CNN or MSNBC? Or even Fox? Anyone other than me noticing the parallels or the utter absence of comment on any level by main stream American media?

Here we have the deposed socialist leader of Honduras, who was rightfully removed from office after attempting to suspend the country's constitution, so that he could install himself as permanent dictator for life? And what does America have to say about all this? What does the president of the United States think should be the course of America on the issue?....

Go to the Borg Conspiracy to get the full scoop and I'm afraid very accurate picture of what is really going on.

Then go to the
referenced news report... reading it through the Borg's perspective. You'll see bits and pieces of the reality in the story... but without the Borg Conspiracy insight you probably wouldn't realize what is actually in the story... and is certainly one of our most conservative media outlets.

Consider and Ponder this.

XtnYoda, shalomed


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