Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Leave it to San Francisco to publicly and brazenly work to corrupt children.


School website promotes homosexual agenda
Pete Chagnon

The San Francisco Unified School district has launched a "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning" (LGBTQ) website for students in order to create a "safe space for all students" and promote activities both in the classroom and outside. Carrying the inviting web address "," the website includes links promoting Gay Pride Celebration Month, Day of Silence, and Gay/Straight Alliance clubs.

Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Institute, says the school district is excluding parents on this issue.

"What about parents? Can parents opt [their child] out?" she asks. "And the explanation that they give is that, no, they can't opt out. [They say they] are under no obligation to even let them know because this is not sex education -- and that's all the law requires [them] to do."

Karen England (Capitol Resource Inst)England says children as young as kindergarten in the Golden State are exposed to the LGBTQ agenda through the website. "And that [includes] transgender policy that allows boys, as young as kindergarten, to go into girls' restrooms [or to] play on girls' sports teams if they perceive themselves to be girls," she explains.

"And [it includes] curriculum -- that is as young as kindergarten -- that explains homophobia, explains the word 'gay,'" England adds. The vocabulary link at the website also defines terms such as "bisexual," "gender identity" ("Everyone has a gender identity," it says), and "transgender."

The Institute spokeswoman notes the site also includes curriculum to go along with pro-homosexual children's books such as And Tango Makes Three and King & King. "They are doing a full-out curriculum on gay and lesbian issues for all grades," she laments. The website also plans to eventually include an elementary school lesson called "The Harvey Milk Story."

England says discussions of such matters belong at home and do not need to be led by teachers who label students as "homophobic" if they disagree with the lifestyle.

This is legislated child abuse. San Francisco is now a pedophile sanctuary.


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