Monday, May 11, 2009

This is segment #2 in the Intel Hardball Being Played Out In DC

Ms. Pelosi just might be finding out that it is a lot easier to throw wild pitches that to hit furious knuckle balls coming at you.

As in a previous post, the fourth post down called... "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble."... she's made the CIA furious and they have moved into the offensive posture...

To be honest, I'm glad I get to just watch this one from the sidelines!



For Democrats pushing an investigation into potential criminal wrongdoing in the war on terrorism, the GOP now has a two-word response: Nancy Pelosi.

Republicans say new revelations about a CIA briefing Pelosi received in 2002 have given them their best shot yet at blocking a sprawling probe into Bush administration interrogation techniques by allowing them to insist that its targets would include the speaker of the House.

“If someone is going to schedule hearings, I believe that the first witness should be Nancy Pelosi,” Rep. Pete Hoekstra, the ranking member on the House intelligence committee, told POLITICO. “Clearly, she was involved in policy formulation.” ...

...Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), the top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee, said in an interview that if Pelosi failed to object to the techniques at the time, she was “an enabler” and “an accomplice” if any crimes were committed. If an investigation goes forward, King said, Pelosi should be forced to divulge what she knew....


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