Monday, May 11, 2009

Here is another praise report for certain!

There were millions of people around the world praying for Roxana. Considering the murderous insanity that seems to haunt the leadership in Iran we would have to simply see this as God's grace literally overcoming the mental capacities, or the lack thereof, in those dark minds.

If you've ever wondered if there was any real evidence that there is a God, and that God can hear our prayers, and that God can respond to our prayers... look no further.

This is a miracle.

Praise the Lord.

XtnYoda, shalomed

telegraph UK

Journalist Roxana Saberi freed by Iranian appeal court verdict
Roxana Saberi, an American journalist convicted in Iran on spying charges, is to be freed after an appeals court downgraded her sentence.

Lawyers for the 32-year old said the court had reduced the eight-year jail sentence to a suspended two-year term and she would soon be freed.

The Iranian-American television reporter had lived in Iran for six years before she was charged with "cooperating with a hostile state" after her arrest in January. The harsh sentence provoked an international backlash that prompted Iran's hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to express concern that she had received due process. After his intervention the head of the Iranian judicary asked for the appeal court review....


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