Monday, December 22, 2008

Not scared anymore Mr. Gore!

A great little reference story for adults to share with youngsters who are being frightened by the global warming scaremongers! Written by an Aussie geologist as described by the following on his site.
Marc Henrickx has worked as a geologist since completing a BSc (Hons) at Latrobe University in 1993. His work has included making geological maps for government geological surveys in the Victorian Alps, the deserts of central Australia and in the dry plains of western New South Wales. Since 2001 he has worked as an engineering geologist specialising in transport infrastructure.

Of himself, he writes "As a geologist Marc sees the effects of natural climate change written in the rock record every time he steps onto an outcrop. He doesn't need a computer model to tell him the climate's changing.

The path to a sustainable future will not be born from fear."

Marc on Unleashed



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