Wednesday, October 29, 2008

American Thinker article

October 29, 2008
Negative Liberties and Obama Newspeak
By Bruce Walker
The 2001 audio tape of Barack Obama describing the Constitution as a document of "negative liberties" reveals an utterly Orwellian Obama. How can liberty be anything other than negative? Liberty is the absence of external control. Only in our age of collective thinking and untidy language could such a thing as "positive liberty" be conceived. The state power to coerce is not liberty.

Notions like "positive liberty" are part of the web of thought control by language manipulation which Orwell described in 1984. If Obama cannot think of "positive liberty" as a contradiction in terms, then he simply cannot think. The conscious surrender of language to the needs of the party creates a self-made prison from which escape is, quite literally, inconceivable. These unguarded remarks by Obama display a mind trapped in a reality in which words are phantoms.

Obama could have spoken about the limited value of liberty. Government does some things which reduce our private rights and yet which increase the common good. Politics is all about where the boundary between broad notions of promoting the general welfare by state coercion and preserving liberty should be. Politicians on the Left have often argued that liberty should be reined in more tightly so that "the people" can live better. But implying that more state power somehow increases liberty is beyond mere Leftism. It is entry into that dead realm of Newspeak in which language is pureed into nonsense, and then nonsense is presented as argument...

This is a must read...go read it all...then read it again...then meditate on it...

Whoever Bruce Walker is...he is a genuine thinker.



Blogger Rachelle Jones said...

I love reading American Thinker, not only do they are well researched, they seem to be able to break it down point by point.

If we could get everyone to be an American Thinker!

9:26 PM  
Blogger XtnYoda said...

Amen Army Wife...AMEN!

11:09 PM  

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