Thursday, September 06, 2007

OK, I've had it with the, "If God doesn't judge America then he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah" crowd.

First, I wonder if these self proclaimed 'prophets' have any earthly idea what it is they are calling on God to do? God judge Sodom and Gomorrah? Don't these 'prophets' remember the hail of fire and brimstone? And, all the inhabitants perished under God's judgment.

Therefore, get ready 'prophets' of God...for you and your children will perish at your self-righteous demand. I can hear them now at bedtime prayers with their children, "Sleep sweet now my child, I'm calling on God to roast your sweet behind in a deluge of fire and smoke!"

Second, God must not apologize for anything God decides to do, or not do, esp. to any puny human being who owes a debt of gratitude to God for every breath taken and ever second of life lived.

Third, if said 'prophets' of doom truly believe their message then they better flee this 'God-forsaken' nation...that was the requirement of Lot...leave quickly...don't look back!!! Soooooooooooo...either leave now or shut your yapping trap. Put up or shut up.

And forth, there was one, Abraham, who pleaded with God for Sodom and Gomorrah...begged God to spare the citizens. Abraham is remembered by God as a man of faith. Would to God that we had some 'Abraham's' to intercede for our nation instead of calling for judgment on our land. I do believe it was the devil that was described as the 'accuser' before God's throne...and the devil ended up being cast out. Many might be surprised to find what company they keep. "But Lord...didn't we prophesy in your name..."

Same goes for the 'prophets of doom and gloom' on the far left as well.

God Bless America,

xtnyoda, shalomed



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