Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I've often wondered what atheists give thanks to at thanksgiving? I've made up a pretty ridiculous attempt at penning what might be said at the atheist's thanksgiving table...

Dear Me,

How I thank Me for all the blessings that I have so bountifully lavished upon Myself this past year. I could have never achieved so much without My assistance.

I ask Me to continue My watch-care over Myself that I might bestow even more blessings upon Myself!

In the Name of Me, Myself, and I,


Truly we can give thanks to the Father for the bounty of His favored presence above all things. Thy Will be done, Thy Kingdom come...Honor Your Name in all the earth..."Universe...shout forth Praise to the King of Kings for the great things He has done."

XtnYoda Shalomed


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