Mark Kelly is originally from Lancashire in England. He has been living in Japan for six years and, at the weekend, he is a fake priest.
"I was living in Sapporo, studying Japanese, and I needed the money. It's far better paid than teaching in a language school," he said.
"Being a fake priest is big business in Japan - I've done a TV commercial for one company," he added. "In Sapporo, there are five agencies employing about 20 fake priests. In a city like Tokyo, there must be hundreds."
The fake Western priests are employed at Western-style weddings to give a performance and add to the atmosphere. These are not legal ceremonies - the couples also have to make a trip to the local registrar.
"In the past almost all weddings in Japan were Shinto, but in the last few years Western-style weddings have appeared and become very popular," said one Japanese priest.
"People like the dress, the kiss and the image. Japanese Christians make up only 1% of the country, but now about 90% of weddings are in the Christian style." It is important for the bride and groom to have a proper wedding, and they are not getting it from these foreign priests
"At the hotel where I work, there is a Christian chapel next to a Shinto chapel. The Christian chapel is always in use, but the Shinto chapel is being used as a storeroom," Mr Kelly said.
The fake Western priests are used to create an authentic Christian feel.
The rest of the article can be read at the above link.
So the Japanese want a Christian wedding? If only we could teach them the symbolism behind the wedding ceremony! Jesus left His Father's house and came to earth to purchase His bride with His own shed blood. He then went back to the Father's house to prepare a dwelling place for his new bride. When the dwelling is finished He will return at a time unannounced to receive her unto Himself! What a joy that will be!
Pray for the people of Japan that they will discover the true reason they want a "Christian" wedding.
XtnYoda Shalomed
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