EPA head is Keynote Socialist Speaker
News Busters is busting some pretty interesting news that the MSM is ignoring. Our EPA head, Lisa Jackson, is the featured speaker at a national conference of youth directed socialists ... whose stated goal is to destroy "capitalism" and establish a one world socialist and environmentalist government. And this openly based on the socialist philosophies of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky.
This meeting designed to put an end to our form of government ... and way of life ... is happening this very weekend.
Just one more small sign about the corruption we have in high places in this day. Are you ready for a One World Government built on the premise that as a human you are the plague of this living planet?
xtnyoda, shalomed
On Saturday, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Lisa Jackson will be giving the keynote speech at the Energy Action Coalition's Power Shift 2011 conference, a meeting of potentially 10,000 green youth activists in Washington, D.C.
According to the schedule, President Obama's former green jobs czar Van Jones will be speaking Friday evening, and members of the International Socialists Organization will be hosting a panel discussion Saturday:
Van Jones is a globally recognized, award-winning pioneer in human rights and the clean-energy economy. Van is a co-founder of three successful non-profit organizations: the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Color of Change and Green For All. He is the best-selling author of the definitive book on green jobs: The Green-Collar Economy. He served as the green jobs advisor in the Obama White House in 2009.
For those unfamiliar with EAC, its website claims:Energy Action Coalition is a coalition of 50 youth-led environmental and social justice groups working together to build the youth clean energy and climate movement.
Working with hundreds of campus and youth groups, dozens of youth networks, and hundreds of thousands of young people, Energy Action Coalition and its partners have united a burgeoning movement behind winning local victories and coordinating on state, regional, and national levels in the United States and Canada. [...]
Energy Action Coalition is committed to building a diverse and inclusive movement to solve the climate crisis and address environmental and economic injustice.
Here are some of the workshops and breakout sessions available to attendees:From the BP Oil Spill to the Japanese Nuclear Crisis: Why Capitalism is Killing the Planet
The past year alone has highlighted the massive toll taken on our planet by the coal, oil, and nuclear energy industries. Yet President Obama continues to support these three industries, which have produced not only ecological catastrophe but also widespread human suffering. This panel will discuss why this is the case, how it is linked to a system of global capitalism that puts profit before the needs of human beings and the planet, and how we can move beyond the capitalist ecological crisis.
Chris Williams, International Socialist Organization
Heather Kangas, International Socialist Organization
Amanda Duzak, International Socialist Organization
Isn't that nice? A member of the White House is speaking at a conference where avowed socialists are going to tell kids why capitalism is destroying the planet.
For those unfamiliar, this is what ISO stands for:The International Socialist Organization (ISO) is committed to building an organization that participates in the struggles for justice and liberation today--and, ultimately, for a future socialist society. [...]
A world free of exploitation--socialism--is not only possible but worth fighting for. The ISO stands in the tradition of revolutionary socialists Karl Marx, V.I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky in the belief that workers themselves--the vast majority of the population--are the only force that can lead the fight to win a socialist society. Socialism can't be brought about from above, but has to be won by workers themselves. [...]
We see our task as building an independent socialist organization with members organizing in our workplaces, our schools and our neighborhoods to bring socialist ideas to the struggles we are involved in today, and the vision of a socialist world in the future.
So, not only have socialists been invited to speak to an American youth organization, but also current and former members of the Obama administration will be in attendance as well.....
This meeting designed to put an end to our form of government ... and way of life ... is happening this very weekend.
Just one more small sign about the corruption we have in high places in this day. Are you ready for a One World Government built on the premise that as a human you are the plague of this living planet?
xtnyoda, shalomed
Labels: environmentalism, madness, MSM
Thanks for the tip!
Good to see you Mark!
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