Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Chaplains Corner

The Chaplains Corner

Guest blogger, Chaplain Paul, is one of the most effective chaplains in America today. He is an emergency responder to every situation.

Hey, this is the Chaplain again.

Do you remember the story of the three Hebrew children and the fiery furnace? It's in Daniel chapter three. King Nebuchadnezzar told them they had to worship his golden statue or be thrown into a furnace. Their reply was, "If you throw us in the fire, the God we serve can rescue us ... But even if he doesn't, it wouldn't make a bit of difference, we still won't worship the gold statue you have set up." (Daniel 3:17-18)

Did you hear what they said? "The God we serve can rescue us ... But even if He doesn't." We need to remember that in our times of trouble; God can rescue us, but even if He doesn't. Do you have that kind of faith?

Faith that knows that God can, but He might not, and it's still OK. It might be nice if I could tell you that God will give you whatever you ask for - if you just have enough faith. But that would be a lie. However, I can promise you that God can do that; and He will do what He knows is best, and you can trust Him to be right there with you in whatever difficult situation you're in - if you're his child.

Are you? Are you His child? If you are then trust Him. And if you're not, then invite Him to be your loving heavenly Father today. Give your life to Him and you'll never be alone again.



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