Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So now conservatives are being lectured that when they are libeled and accused of any and all manner of responsibility for whatever lies the left wants to slam them with... they should just shut up and take it... as Mark Halperin says... they should just turn the other cheek.

Daily Caller report
Mark Halperin: Conservatives should turn the other cheek when scapegoated for murder

During a discussion on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Tuesday, the panel conceded that conservatives and Tea Party activists were unfairly scapegoated in the wake of Jared Lee Loughner’s shooting spree in Tucson, Ariz.... Mark Halperin of Time just thinks conservatives shouldn’t bother defending themselves, so as to avoid further political escalation...
“I just want to single out one thing. I think the media and the politicians have behaved pretty well so far. I’m worried about the anger of the right-wing commentariat,” Halperin said. “Fox and George Will and other conservatives are in some cases justifiably upset at liberals, but they’re turning this back into the standard operating procedure of ‘all this is war and fodder for content’ rather than trying to bring the country together.”

“Wait a second,” Scarborough responded. “I think they would say that you have that backwards, that a shooting was turned into fodder to attack conservatives.”

Halperin: “And, I already made that criticism, as well. They’re right, but rather than seizing on it and turning the other cheek, they’re back at their war stations. that’s not going to help us.”
This is obviously journalism at its finest.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Blogger Prime said...

Journalism at it's finest? Guess again. Pee Wee Herman journalism if you ask me.

"I know what you are, but what about me?" That's how the Pee Wee Herman mentality deals with getting caught short on name calling.

Childishly stupid. They honestly think that they can do as they damn well please, then attempt to deny their victims the right to speak out or have any rebuttal whatsoever?

2:21 PM  
Blogger Shifty1 said...

I think he was being

9:51 AM  

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