The Chaplain's Corner
Guest blogger, Chaplain Paul, is one of the most effective chaplains in America today. He is an emergency responder to every situation.
Hey, this is the Chaplain again.
Have you ever noticed that Christmas comes at just the right time? Think about it. It comes during the very last week of the very last month of the year.
Over the preceding months, struggles have been encountered, pain has been endured, joys and sorrows have been shared. Then, just as you are about to do it all again in a new year, comes this day of celebration with its magnificent story of heavenly visitation and intervention. And at the heart of the story is a promise that brings strength when you feel weak, warmth when you feel alone, and hope when days are dark.
This promise was delivered from the tongues of angels to the fearful hearts of Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. And if you listen carefully, you will hear it in the soft cries of an infant lying in a manger. The promise is for you too. Are you ready? Here it is:
"Do not fear; God is here". Say it to yourself until its truth echoes into the coming year.(Above is adapted from a piece by G.A. Myers)
Have you learned some devastating news that has caused you to despair? Do not fear; God is here. Do you face some uncertainties in the near future? Do not fear; God is here. He knows your heartaches, headaches, pains, and pressures. They all came to rest in His hands, feet, and side.
He came to heal the leper, raise the paralytic, and open the blind eyes of the beggar. There is no storm His presence cannot calm. Prepare yourself for the valleys and peaks of the next year by standing on the summit of this holiday season and breathing in the fragrance of God's presence and promises.
Write down your past troubles and your fears about the future and present them to God in prayer. Place them in a box, wrap them up, and write on the tag: Do not fear; God is here. Search through the Scriptures, find all of the "do not be afraid" passages, and read one each day throughout the month of December and into the new year. You should never face tomorrow until you are filled with God's promise for today.
Yes, Christmas comes at just the right time every year, leading us into the next year with the firm assurance that whatever we encounter, we can safely say: Do not fear; God is here.
God bless you & yours and Merry CHRISTmas!
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