Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Thanksgiving Day Prayer


On behalf of Your Name, Yahweh, I cry.

Rise up in defense of Your Name in this world! Bring those blood bought to the foot of the Throne... in wonder at the Glory of Your Name. Fill our minds with the truth of Your Name and the Majesty of Your Presence.

Expose the centuries of distortions, lies, and obfuscations of Your Name. Wake Your slumbering bride from her stupor to the banquet of Your Presence in Your Name.

Fill Your bride with a zeal of fire for discovery... to discover what has been lost for centuries... yet to embrace the opportunity of... now... with thanksgiving.

YahShua, Your Word was that The Spirit would teach and reveal all things. Honor Your Word by sending the Fresh Oil of spiritual truth... uphold the veracity of Your Word... by revealing Your Presence and Grace... through the unveiling of Your Name.

May, "Yahweh," resound and reverberate through the hearts and lips of Your people like thunders and quakes of joy. May the honor of Your Name be shouted from the roof tops... and lived in the lives of Your loved ones.

May Your Will be done here on earth... as in Heaven... Hallow Your Name.

This... my burden of thanksgiving.

xtnyoda, shalomed



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