Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 10th. Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

A story is told of Peter Miller, a plain Baptist preacher living in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, in the days of the Revolutionary War. Near his church lived a man who maligned the pastor to the last degree. The man became involved in treason and was arrested and sentenced to be hanged. The preacher started out on foot and walked the seventy miles to Philadelphia to plead for the man’s life.

Washington heard his plea, but he said, “No, your plea for your friend cannot be granted.” “My friend!” said the preacher. “He is the worst enemy I have.”

“What!” said Washington, “you have walked nearly seventy miles to save the life of an enemy? That puts the matter in a different light. I will grant the pardon.”

God loves us so much that while we were yet at odds with Him, He sent His Son to die for us. The writer of Romans 5:8 puts it this way:
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
"God, thank You for loving me as unworthy as I am.

Bro. Bill

God, we love You!



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