Thursday, May 06, 2010

Comedy Central is taking no time picking back up on it's satire of Jesus and Christianity.

I'll be watching the news for the Christians taking to the streets in protest and threatening the lives of the producers of this new show.

However... I will not hold my breath for I would surly die of asphyxiation before the first whisper of any sordid "retaliation" is pronounced or Christian inquisition is undertaken....

Hollywood Reporter
Comedy Central developing Jesus Christ cartoon

Comedy Central might censor every image of the Prophet Muhammad on "South Park," yet the network is developing a whole animated series around Jesus Christ.

Jesus-south-park As part of the network's upfront presentation to advertisers (full slate here), Comedy Central is set to announce "JC," a half-hour show about Christ wanting to escape the shadow of his "powerful but apathetic father" and live a regular life in New York City.

In the show, God is preoccupied with playing video games while Christ, "the ultimate fish out of water," tries to adjust to life in the big city.

"In general, comedy in purist form always makes some people uncomfortable," said Comedy Central's head of original programming Kent Alterman.

When asked if the show might draw some fire, especially coming on the heels of the network's decision to censor the Muslim faith's religious figure on "South Park," Alterman said its too early in the show's development to be concerned about such matters.

"We don't even know what the show is yet," he said.

Like all Comedy Central executives, Alterman declined to address the recent controversy over "South Park," where the network aired a heavily redacted episode after the show's creators were threatened by an extremist Islamic Web site....

Now... out of deference for the named producers I have chosen to not publish their names on this blog site since I know that there are several extreme right-winged, Tea Party types that frequent these pages... and I would not want to be responsible for fomenting any riots in the streets around Comedy Central.

We Christians are a bunch of hate mongers you know... and if you don't bow down to our orders you will pay with your blood!

xtnyoda, shalomed

PS... our restraint is in direct correlation to our collective strength... and our God is quite comfortable in His own skin.

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Blogger jhthompson said...

This show makes my blood boil.....idiots with no regard for the damage they are doing to their audience of misfits

12:47 AM  

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