Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Clamour Of The Times has identified the actual diagnosed illness the Global Warming hysteria is perpetrating on people around the globe.

And, the MSM and politicians are complicit in the advancement and spread of this dread syndrome.

It's sort of funny... but... it's real and evident... so not so funny really... especially when these same sick people wake up to the reality that they have been lied to and manipulated for others financial gain.

Genuine Medical Condition: Mass Sociogenic Illness

....“Mass psychogenic illness is characterized by symptoms, occurring among a group of persons with shared beliefs regarding those symptoms, that suggest organic illness but have no identifiable environmental cause and little clinical or laboratory evidence of disease. Mass psychogenic illness typically affects adolescents or children, groups under stress and females disproportionately more than males. Symptoms often follow an environmental trigger or illness in an index case. They can spread rapidly by apparent visual transmission, may be aggravated by a prominent emergency or media response, and frequently resolve after patients are separated from each other and removed from the environment in which the outbreak began. Physicians should consider this diagnosis when faced with a cluster of unexplained acute illness.”....

It's going to be a sad day when the deception is clearly seen... millions unprepared for the real climate emergency of the global cooling, food shortages, freezing thousands, and exposed humanity.

I have seen it.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Blogger Prime said...

I have seen it too and I feel like I am witnessing it again. But as long as the multiculturalist and their brethren the socialist relativists control our news outlets and our universities, there is little that can be done to quell the disease.

6:52 AM  

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