Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The AP is reporting some very interesting and great news... the United States Military is meeting all their recruiting goals!

This is probably disturbing news to our anti-military crowd... Ted Kennedy is probably rolling over in his grave.

This report did my heart good... to see that our young men and women are stepping up to the plate in the defense of our nation during these difficult days... in spite of those who think appeasement is superior to strength... strength that is something more than empty words.

That's the US Military... strength and action... not empty rhetoric in the face of imminent danger.

AP article
Pentagon Says Last Year's Recruiting Was Best Since 1973

The Defense Department's head of personnel, Bill Carr, says all services met their goals for active duty and reserve recruiting and that the quality of recruits improved during the budget year that ended Sept. 30.

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon's personnel chief said Tuesday the military has completed its best recruiting year since 1973, meeting all its goals and bringing in a better educated group of young people.

The Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps met goals for active duty and reserve recruiting during the budget year ended Sept. 30 -- the first time that has happened since the all-volunteer force was established, said Defense Department head of personnel Bill Carr.....

He said studies show that those born between 1978 and 1996 "are more inclined toward service to society. That's a good thing, because that means we start off stronger with a given group of young people."

Semper Fi!

xtnyoda, shalomed



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