Monday, February 09, 2009

Is it not strange how this kind of thing is being done... under stealth of night... quietly... discretely... almost secretly?


BAGHDAD – A senior Iraqi security official says that four prisoners have been transferred from the U.S. military detention center in Guantanamo Bay to Iraqi custody.

The security official says the men, Iraqis who were arrested in Afghanistan, have been interrogated by Iraqi authorities.

The official, who spoke Monday on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, added that one Iraqi remained in Guantanamo.


Yes, I wish our government would be required to loudly broadcast the upcoming release of every terrorist that we have in custody.

Just like in our states, whose parole boards are required to hold public hearings before a prisoner is released, I think the families of victims of terrorist attacks should be granted at least the same "rights"... instead of these transfers and releases of terrorists being sort of... leaked out after the fact?

And... the meeting our president called for last week with the victim families was not to hear their concerns, but to simply give them a chance to hear him, for the decision had already been made.

Not Justice.

Not Just treatment of grieving families.

Bully politics.

Talk about denial of a basic human "right."

xtnyoda, shalomed

H/T Jeremy.


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