Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Real Cause of the Financial Meltdown.

The real culprit is what we call abortion on demand.

In the 35 years of legalized abortion on demand we have had over 53 million abortions. With a little bit of math that means that roughly half of that 53 million aborted persons would now be over eighteen years of age...or in other words there are some 26 million would be tax payers who will never pay a penny's tax because they were aborted...and the numbers go up with each passing year until in another 16 years the number will be the total 53 million who have been aborted as of today.

That is a pretty heavy number of lost tax payers.

That is the reason that Social Security is going bankrupt...the supporters of Social Security have also been aborted, therefore the number of Social Security recipients now hovers somewhere around for every recipient there are only two payers into Social Security. The rest have been aborted.

There is a trade off having been taking place. For convenience sake we have been aborting these babies, and now we are going to pay the great inconvenience of the current melt down.

I'm...not really sure the last 35 years of convenience is going to prove as having been worth the years ahead of trouble and trials to come...for the sake of a few years of convenience.

xtnyoda, shalomed



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