Friday, October 03, 2008

On the abuse of "Moral Authority"

The whole "moral authority" thing. A lot of what we are hearing at the root of America's financial crisis is the risky mortgages given to people who weren't able to afford them. Somehow it became our lenders "moral responsibility" to give these questionable loans so "poor" people could "own" their own home? I know...I know... I've heard the accusations of "greed" etc. about the lenders, but...they were allowed and even encouraged to "help" people get loans and into homes when they really couldn't afford them. So congress better quit trying to pass the buck all over to the "greed" of lenders.

I thought we weren't supposed to shove "morals" down peoples throats? That is to me the BIG problem with so much of the "socialist" agenda, it is all built on a perspective of what is "moral" as long as what one thinks is "moral" is what the socialists think is "moral."

Perhaps it is fortunate that we are in this financial crisis, because it demonstrates the vulnerabilities of socialism and demonstrates rather profoundly the quickness of financial bankruptcy a nation can experiences when we try, in the name of moral authority, to "help" the "less fortunate" without reason or guidelines or personal responsibility.

As a matter of apparent fact, our "moral authority" crisis in America is just about to bankrupt the whole world!

XtnYoda shalomed (chuck)


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