Thursday, September 25, 2008

Clinton paying Obama back for saying that the economy was going south during Clinton's presidency. Obama better get Bill off his campaign trail if he wants any chance at winning this election!

Clinton told King he would be hitting the campaign trail for Obama in Florida, to Ohio, to northeast Pennsylvania, and Nevada “at a minimum" in October, “after the Jewish holidays” are over.

"Are you kind of feeling Jewish that you're waiting until after the Jewish holidays?" asked King.
"No. But I think it would be — if we're trying to win in Florida, it may be that — you know, they think that because of who I am and where my political base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the 'cracker vote' there...

One just must believe that Bill knows exactly what he is doing and saying and the impact against Obama it is having every time Bill opens his mouth. "Cracker Vote"...did you catch that?! Only Bill can make remarks like this, get a pass from the media, yet send the strongest of messages to the American people about what he wants/thinks/desires...etc...and get exactly what he wants. In many ways he is still the president.


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