Monday, August 04, 2008

New Covenant Psalm 16

Scribed upon the hearts of those who relish the Dear One.

"In Christ" fast the sound of those two words.
"My Lord"...believe this confession? "My Lord."

Have you believed the Dear One's confession? "I delight in you."

I despise the bile that has been in my heart...
on my lips...
but by the grace of God...
no more.

Dear have captured my heart.
Like the wild stallion captured in the field
I've kicked and whined in fear and fury!
But at last I see...
Your fields are luscious indeed.

I love your gentle proddings in the night,
"Are you awake? Would you spend some time with just me?"

Dear One, you have captured my mind,
you have captured my heart.
Every part of my being is at you.

Shalom, yes full and total fulfillment,
I've found in you.

XtnYoda Shalomed



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