Friday, August 28, 2009

Here is a telling little article from the Space Weather site.

I really hate to say it... but... I've been yelling this was coming for two years now... the reason I knew it was coming?

I know a few things about God, and one thing I do know is that God always works against the efforts of humans who think they can do what only God can do... it's inevitable.

The moment that the Global Warming fear mongers started their boasting that humans were the cause and the solution to Global Warming... I knew God would prove them wrong.

He always has... always will.

God will always reserve the privilege of being God in spite of man's greatest efforts to control world destiny... and that certainly includes nature and the forces of nature.

Going to be a rather cold winter friends.

BLANK SUNS: Inspect the image "above". It is a photo of the sun taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Can you guess what day it was taken?...

...August 28th, today. But it could have been taken on any day of the past seven weeks. For all that time, the face of the sun has looked exactly the same--utterly blank.

According to NOAA sunspot counts, the longest string of blank suns during the current solar minimum was 52 days back in July, Aug. and Sept. of 2008. If the current trend continues for only four more days, the record will shift to 2009. It's likely to happen; the sun remains eerily quiet and there are no sunspots in the offing. Solar minimum is shaping up to be a big event indeed.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist... as they say.

XtnYoda, shalomed


Blogger Brian Gwatney said...

The sun black as sack cloth?
Could this be a hint?

7:54 PM  

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