Revolutionaries or Fools?
John 11:48 "...The Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation."
What the Jews understood in this statement, and what ever culture in it's beginning understands, is that the existence of a nation and it demise is determined by one factor alone.
That factor is not the nation's enemies, economics, nor any of the suspected forces that one might think would bring a culture to an end... no... not at all.
Do you understand what that single factor is that has been the ultimate demise of every human civilization of human history? It is what the above text called "Our Place." That is a reference to the Temple in Jerusalem, and that Temple being the physical representative of God's Law.
What our nation no longer understands is that the very essence of "culture" is based upon the standard from which it's laws are derived.
The much heralded phrase, "multi-cultural" or "multi-culturalism"... is actually a transitional reality... the transition? Multi-cultural exoneration is actually describing the transition of one culture to another, or if you will, when a group is in transition from one legal standard to another.
The Jews understood this as well did the Romans in Christ's day. For the Romans to come in and destroy the temple was the defacto destruction of the "Jewish Culture." They could say in our opening verse above that the Romans would destroy their "place" and therefore their nation.
The same ultimate destruction of every human culture follows the same reality.
Those that hold up multi-culturalism as some panacea of desired reality are either revolutionaries or fools. Transitions of culture are not always carried out with sword and spear. In our nation the transition is being carried out with the sword of aggressive miseducation and indoctrination.
Today, the Temple that is being dismantled is not a physical building, but is rather the Temple of the Christian Mind in America. The moral shaping fabric of our scripture is being replaced by a maze of politically correct destruction of that which is wholesome and noble.
There are certainly revolutionaries in America today, and many fools that follow them.
XtnYoda, shalomed
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