Thursday, April 30, 2009

Let's consider the following verse...

Eph 4:15-16
"But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head — Christ." (HCSB)

Here is our only defense in the coming days against the looming "Hate Crimes" bill that includes "hate speech" implications. We are being told that to call something a "sin" that might result in someone taking that idea of "sin" as needing to be forcefully approached... as in attacking someone because they are involved in the said "sin," could result in charges brought against the speaker. In other words, the speaker against said "sin" could be held accountable for inciting the attacker.

We don't need that kind of actual thing going on, the "hate" thing. The Apostle Paul gives us this simple, yet powerful requirement. Speak the truth in love.

If I could expand on that just a little... we need to speak from a broken heart.

Isa 57:15
For the High and Exalted One
who lives forever, whose name is Holy says this:
"I live in a high and holy place,
and with the oppressed and lowly of spirit,
to revive the spirit of the lowly
and revive the heart of the oppressed."


We need to have the heart of one oppressed... a spirit of contrition... a broken heart.

God will not despise this... and neither will mankind.

How can one despise one weeping over another's sinful condition?

We need to, "weep or' the erring one, lift up the fallen.
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save"... says the old gospel song.

It was true then... still true today.

No one can be charged with hate speech for having a broken heart... and for many... a broken heart from God's children just might be all that stands between them and a desperate eternity.

"Oh Yahweh...
break my heart with those things that break your heart."

Yes, it is a very dangerous prayer.

XtnYoda, shalomed

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