Thursday, January 15, 2009


by Andrew Klavan

This is by way of a friendly response to the estimable Jay Nordlinger, Senior Editor at the likewise estimable National Review. Jay wrote a strong column yesterday openly saying what I’ve been hearing many conservatives express tacitly ever since the election. Reflecting on the media’s disgraceful distortion of the characters of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin, he wrote:

“It seems to me that the Left has won: utterly and decisively. What I mean is, the Saturday Night Live, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher mentality has prevailed. They decide what a person’s image is, and those images stick. They are the ones who say that Cheney’s a monster, W.’s stupid, and Palin’s a bimbo. And the country, apparently, follows.”

I’ve been hearing and reading prominent conservatives and Republicans say nearly as much on television, in print and in private conversation ever since the election. They say Sarah Palin can never make a comeback. They say the fight for small government has been lost. They say we can’t have immigration reform that protects our borders. They say we have to distance ourselves from “embarrassing” commentators like Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter.

No, no, no, no. What the right is experiencing at the moment is a phenomenon called “cultural para-stimuli.” You can read all about it in Tom Wolfe’s wonderful novel I Am Charlotte Simmons. It’s sort of like peer pressure on steroids. It was discovered by Nobel Laureate Victor Ransome Starling, who found that when he surrounded normal cats with cats whose behavior had been bizarrely altered by brain surgery, the normal cats began acting like the crazy cats all around them.

That’s us... surrounded by the mainstream media. So steeped are we now in their lies about our representatives, their ridicule of our commentators, their demonizing dismissal of the causes we know are just, that we’ve begun to adopt their attitudes toward ourselves! And perhaps chief among the lies they’ve sold us is the lie that they’ve won, that the media are theirs for good and all, and that Americans are going to be hoodwinked and brainwashed by their constant barrage of misinformation forever.

Well, only if we let them....

full article

Andrew makes great points, and the whole article should be read.

The MSM wants everyone to believe that it is time for the "_ _ _ lady to sing."

Forget it.

There is a rumble deep in the strata of our society...a coming quake that is going to absolutely take the MSM and the left by surprise. It will be something like SHOCK AND AWE!

It has already started if one trains one's self to see it. The way to start is by simply turning off the MSM! Stop listening to them. They are already going bankrupt... they are asking for part of the "bail-out" money! Their viewership and readers are dropping by the the millions.

Is this fight over? Is it time to throw up our hands and surrender?

Are you kidding!?

Get up. Take off your coat. Double up your fists.

Let the games begin.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Blogger jhthompson said...

I think we should conduct a week long fast from the MSM and maybe we would get reminder of the hope we as Christians have in the Lord Jesus Christ!!!

I don't want to be like the other cats that have had labatomies.

11:03 AM  

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