Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Luk 18:15 Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. (ESV)

I never have liked feeling used...even for a good cause...there are good causes a plenty...and every one with one wants you involved in their cause...and if you are not sold out to their cause you are dropped like unwanted refuse.

That is when you know they just want to use you.

Politics and Right to Life have arrived at that level for me...the using level. I came to this several years ago in my heart...starting to feel used. Oh yes, I marched, and demonstrated, even with some success. A dear brother stood with me one afternoon every week for two years outside a building that housed among other things...an abortion clinic. Rain or shine we stood with our sign for life and endured...well you might imagine.

This particular clinic was housed inside a medical facility that sat on land that our denomination owned and the land was leased to the owners of the building. It wasn't the hospital itself, but rather a Dr.'s office complex adjacent to our hospital. Therefore, for two years we stood every week.

Our denomination finally sold the piece of land that the office complex stood on to the owners of the building. At that point we ceased our peaceful protest.


I became convicted that it is much easier to protest abortion and abortion clinics than to actually go to the trouble of caring for children...much like the disciples that walked with Christ. We can do our annual right to life march and feel so vindicated, so holy, so...self righteous.

But...what about the children? Call them survivors or whatever you wish...but what are we doing to love and care for the children that live under the shadow of our steeples?

That is where I came to several years ago. I am very pleased to say that the church I serve has put her money and efforts where her mouth is.

For politicians to preach the pro-life message to garner voters just started to feel like spiritual prostitution to me. I started to feel used...and started to feel like a prostitute that even had to pay to be used...

If the people of God spent more time giving to and caring for the children with us then perhaps we would actually have a voice worth hearing. Until then the world and Christ will hold us in disdain...and rightfully so.

Oh...by the way...this is a Christmas thought...for you see Jesus was an illegitimate child. Thankfully...His mother wanted Him.

If we really believe that God is the author of life, and if we really believe that life begins at conception, then we need to shout that there is no such thing as an illegitimate child...not in God's house.

xtnyoda, shalomed



Blogger Rachelle Jones said...

I must say that indeed you and your parish do put the money where their mouth is...

Last Easter, I recall going to the Deacon's home for the childrens egg hunt, picnic, and fellowship...

and it brought tears to my eyes.


It so warmed my heart to see so many children thought of in such a wonderful way.

11:43 AM  

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