Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Now we have this killer. First we had the below killer of the little Amish girls.

XtnYoda wonders when we will ever get the message that there are insane persons in our communities who don't reason as normal civilized people who are not bent on killing innocents? Yet normal civilized non-killing people must be willing to kill killers...and prepared to do so.

XtnYoda wishes there could have been at least one person, non uniformed, licensed private citizen in that class with a concealed weapon to stop the killer.

May God's grace fill the hearts of the families who have experienced this ultimate tragedy. May we all wake up to the reality that there are some really wicked people in each of our communities who wait only for an opportunity...

Instead of the MSM trying to cast blame on the school and police perhaps the blame ought to be pointed toward those who want to limit the ability of law abiding citizens to legally protect themselves and others? Who is going to write that editorial in the MSM? But, we will hear much harping about banning weapons and using this tragedy for political hay. And these deaths will probably never lay at the feet of those who passed the law to lock students weapons of defense in some "security locker" upon entering campus...which is what the law abiding students were required to do, and did...and now over thirty are dead.

XtnYoda Shalomed


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